Are juice cleanses healthy? Good? Bad? What’s the dealio? In the New Year, it can be really easy to fall for whatever is trending or whatever your neighbor is doing. I want to jump on my soap box about juice cleanses today and if you’re just following a guideline that you found on Pinterest – back up, sister!
P.S. We’ve specifically talked about celery juice on our old show. You can go back and listen to it if that’s also a topic that you are curious about!
I’m breaking it dooowwwnnn today! And if you’re tired of jumping from diet to diet, I don’t blame you sister! Who has time for that anymore? It’s time to break through your bad habits and transform into the woman that you want to be. Not only is Thrival focused on your nutrition, but your environment, exercise, stress, and sleep! How can you learn to get these wheels to turn beautifully?
Request your FREE appointment with Lahana to go over what your health goals are + see if we’d be a good match!
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